Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Excerpt from the Baltimore Sustainability Plan on Food Systems in Baltimore

Baltimore's Sustainability Plan (link)

From Page 33, "Greening Goal #2: Establish Baltimore as a leader in sustainable, local food systems"

Strategy A: Increase the percentage of land under cultivation for agricultural purposes
Increase the amount of food production within Baltimore City through a variety of approaches. Modify
zoning regulations to accommodate urban agricultural production and sales. Increase the number of City
farms and gardens in parks, on vacant lots, school grounds, and other appropriate and available areas.
Promote community gardening for food production through programs such as the existing Master Gardener
Urban Agriculture Program. Lastly, develop incentives and support for urban farm enterprises.
Timeframe: Mid-term
Type: Policy/Operations Changes
Funding Source: Grant Programs; City, State and Federal Funds; Partnerships
Lead Partners: DPR, DoP, Parks and People, Cooperative Extension, Urban Agriculture Task Force

Strategy B: Improve the quantity and quality of food available at food outlets

Implement innovative models and invigorate existing ones that improve the quantity and quality of food
available at food outlets. These efforts can be aided through the use of food mapping to link food outlets to
local farmers. Successful models to consider for expansion to underserved areas of the community include
the Baltimore Healthy Stores model, farmers markets, and Baltimore’s unique heritage of Arrabers.
Timeframe: Mid-term.
Type: Partnerships
Funding Source: Private Sector
Lead Partners: MD Department of Agriculture, DoP, Johns Hopkins University

Strategy C: Increase demand for locally-produced, healthy foods by schools, institutions,
supermarkets, and citizens

Work with existing initiatives such as Baltimore City Public School System’s Fresh Start Farm and MD
Hospitals for a Healthy Environment to increase purchasing of local, organic food. This effort can be
faciliated by a mapping resource to help institutions and supermarkets identify what local farms are interested
in direct marketing. Developing a consumer campaign on the benefits of eating and buying food locally can
help spur demand for such products.
Timeframe: Mid-term
Type: Education/Marketing
Funding Source: Private sector; Grant Programs; City Funds
Lead Partners: DoH, BCPSS, Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment, Chesapeake Sustainable
Business Alliance, Other Institutional Partners

Strategy D: Develop an urban agriculture plan
Develop a plan that will promote healthy, local, and, where possible, organic food production and food
professions and include multiple stakeholders currently involved in food production and job training. The
plan should identify the predicted demand for urban farmed food and recommend location and distribution of
urban agricultural institutions. It could also identify the best distribution of existing food networks and
identify gaps that need to be filled.
Timeframe: Short-term
Type: Policy/Operations, Partnerships
Funding Source: Grant Programs
Lead Partners: DPR, Civic Works, Parks and People, City Schools, Cooperative Extension, Urban Agriculture
Task Force

Strategy E: Implement Baltimore Food Policy Task Force recommendations related to sustainability
and food

Utilize the work of the Baltimore Food Policy Task Force which is charged with reviewing food issues
throughout the city. The group is scheduled to produce a report mid-2009 with a series of recommendations
to increase access to and demand for healthy, nutritious food.
Timeframe: Short-term
Type: Policy/Operations
Funding Source: TBD (will depend on recommendations)
Lead Partners: DoH, DoP, Local Institutions

Strategy F: Compile local and regional data on various components of the food system
Create a mapping resource for those working on local food and agriculture programs. Map will include
information on local farms and agricultural institutions, processing facilities, distributors, farmer’s markets,
community gardens, supermarkets, hospitals, schools, restaurants, zoning and easements, economic census
data, and nutritional health data. This will be used to identify additional land available for agriuculture, help
link suppliers and consumers, and identify geographical areas with insufficient access to fresh, healthy food.
Timeframe: Short-term

Type: Partnership

Funding Source: Private Sector
Lead Partners: DoP, Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future

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